Sayings from the West Coast

In the past month I have started playing my American tour. It is not the big fancy tour that you have with record label sponsors at big city stadiums. It is playing at small local bars and coffee houses. It’s about the music, not the money; it’s about playing at Open Mic Nights where all of you don’t have to pay to hear me play.

As I fly from town to town it seems that open mic nights are advertised as songwriter’s venues, but it seems that most of the ones I have played at have performers doing cover songs.

On the west coast we used to have a saying about playing your own songs:  `Don’t play someone else’s song - they are playing two doors down.’

If you are going to make it in music, make it with your own songs.  Why play covers of other people’s songs?You could be replaced with a karaoke machine, juke box or a DJ.

`Please Support your Local Songwriters’

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