Getting Ready

Well I have been working on trying to lighten up my stage equipment to hit the road, but I am having a couple of things that are just not coming together for me. Friends have told me that the new way to set up on stage is to use speakers on stands.  I have a great set of Genz Benz full range speakers that are rather large and not on stands. So I find myself wondering about giving up the sound quality to go to little plastic speakers on stands? Or should I drill holes in my beautiful cabinets to put them on stands? Someone at the music store told me to get a couple of amp stands and sit the speakers on them. But I don't know if that would look funny? Also for my local shows I was thinking about bringing 3 guitars (Fender Strat, 12 string and 6 string acoustic). Is that overkill to bring all of these guitars? So many things I need to do to get out there and give you all a good show... I guess I will just have to work it out...

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